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The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations

In September of 2015 193 world leaders ratified to 17 global targets for sustainable development. If they are achieved this would be a sign of a halt to extreme poverty as well as climate change, inequality, and inequality before 2030.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also known as the global goals are a global call to action to eradicate poverty, save the planet and ensure that everyone can have peace and prosperity.

The 17 goals build upon the achievements that were made by those of the Millennium Development Goals, while they include new areas, such as economic inequality, climate change and innovation, sustainable consumption as well as peace and justice in addition to other goals. These goals are interlinked and often the most important factor to success in one is to tackle issues that are often related to another.

The SDGs are based on the spirit of cooperation and pragmaticity to make best choices today to improve our lives by ensuring sustainability for the next generation. They offer precise guidelines and targets that all nations can adopt according to their individual goals and the environmental issues that face the world in general. The SDGs are an inclusive program. They target the primary causes of poverty and bring us to create an impactful change for humans and the environment. The elimination of poverty is the primary goal of 2030’s Agenda as is the promise to ensure that no one is left in the dust and to ensure that everyone is left behind,’ UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner stated. The Agenda provides a unique opportunity to help put the entire world on an improved and sustainable growth path. Many ways, the Agenda mirrors the purpose for which UNDP was designed to do.’

The 17 UN SDGs:

Goal 1: Stop the cycle of poverty all over the world.
Goal 2: Stop hunger, ensure greater nutrition and security, and increase food security and support sustainable agricultural practices
Goal 3: Ensuring the health of our population and encourage well-being for all people of all ages
Goal 4: To ensure an equitable and inclusive quality of education and provide opportunities to learn throughout life for all
Goal 5: To achieve the equality of gender and to empower girls and women everywhere
Goal 6: Ensuring the accessibility and sustainable management of sanitation and water for everyone
Goal 7: Ensuring the availability of affordable energy that is reliable, durable, and efficient energy for everyone
Goal 8: Encourage sustained healthy, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, complete and productive employment, and decent work opportunities for everyone
Goal 9: Create resilient infrastructure, encourage sustainable and inclusive industrialisation and promote creativity
Goal 10: Minimize inequality both within and between nations
Goal 11 Goal 11: Make urban areas and settlements welcoming as well as resilient, secure and resilient.
Goal 12: Create the sustainability of production and consumption patterns
13. Take immediate actions to stop the effects of climate change
Goal 14: Protect and sustainably utilize the oceans, seas , and marine resources to ensure sustainable development
Goal 15: To protect, restore and increase the sustainability of the terrestrial ecosystem. sustainable management of forests, fight desertification, and slow and reverse the degradation of land and stop loss of biodiversity
Goal 16: Create peaceful and inclusive societies to ensure sustainable development, ensure everyone with access to justice and establish efficient, accountable and inclusive structures at every level
Goal 17: Strengthen methods of implementation and revitalize the global partnership to promote sustainable development